Robert W. Morgan

Bigfoot Observer’s Field Manual CD

2 Audio CDs

Listen to Robert Morgan on the CD version of the Bigfoot Observer’s Field Manual as he teaches you how to have a personal encounter with a Forest Giant (Bigfoot).


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Listen to Robert Morgan on the CD version of the Bigfoot Observer’s Field Manual as he teaches you how to have a personal encounter with a Forest Giant (Bigfoot).

From the Introduction:

Yah-ta-hey. Welcome! May I assume that you are interested in Forest Giants and wish to arrange your very own peaceful encounter? I won’t tell you that it is easy. Nevertheless, it is possible and even probable — but only if you follow to the letter the systematic suggestions contained within this manual.

Take care, my friend. This journey is not for everyone. It is best taken by special people who wish to contribute something positive toward making our world a better place, not only for the human species, but also for every living thing.

If you choose to proceed, as kindred adventurers you and I must form an immutable bond. If you ask that, I assume that you sincerely wish to stand face-to-face with that wondrous legend some call the Bigfoot or the Sasquatch. In return, you may assume that I can and will share certain things of value that can assist you to achieve that goal.

My sole request is that, in exchange for my counsel, you must promise on your most sacred honor that you will not attempt to kill, capture, harass, or to interfere in any way with the lives and the welfare of these gentle Giants.

Words of caution are in order. To be successful you must remain true to that promise. If you do not, things might not turn out the way you wish — and turn out in ways you cannot imagine. However, by shining the light of good intention into the deepest recesses of your own mind and soul, you may soon be poised to uncover the truth about many, many things — and your life will forever change.


Today I received my 2-disk set of Bigfoot Observers Field Manual. After owning it for only a few hours I have already listened to it twice and plan on listening again, Not only because of the information to take in but also because it is awesome. For the first 5 minutes after hitting play I had goose bumps the size of golf balls, Robert W. Morgan can definitely capture an audience. I decided to listen the 3rd time with a note pad and pencil to take notes. My wife is patiently awaiting her turn to listen to it before I wear out the CDs. I am so glad there are real people like Robert W. Morgan in this world, people who actually care and not just put out a bunch of B.S. But also practice what they preach. It helps people like to want to continue the search, I have a feeling after listening to his CDs and applying them to my research areas and techniques my search will soon be over and I will finally find what I have been looking for over the past 10 years. Thank You, Mr. Morgan, from the bottom of my heart for sharing this CD series to the world. The Forest People may leave a big foot print but I am finding that yours are just as large, You have done it again. With my deepest respect and sincerity,
Mike Hartman
Ohio Bigfoot Research & Investigations Center

Robert W Morgan’s Bigfoot Observer’s Field Manual does just what the subtitle says, and should be of interest to cryptozoologists in or planning expeditions in North America. Whether Morgan will ever have Louis Theroux or Jon Ronson in tow is another matter, but a nice thought.
Magonia Review of Books